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Yoga session

Yoga is a powerful and beautiful way to ease your way through recovering and gain peace of mind you need to beat your addiction. Because Yoga emphasizes willpower and stress reduction, those in recovery can learn to combat that stress, better combat temptation and regain control over bodies. It’s essentially a unification of body, mind and spirit. That’s what makes it so powerful. You don’t have to believe in any specific religion for Yoga to be effective; it’s just as useful for anyone as it is for the Hindus that invented it. It is considered as useful to addiction because it helps maintain a clear mind and healthy behavior. This is the ethical that practitioners of Yoga follow which include; personal restraint, non-violence, avoidance of jealousy, speaking only the truth and personal respect and dignity. NAYANA, ASANA, PRNAYAMA, PRTYAHARA, DHARANA, DHYANA, and PATANJALI are essential focus of a successful Yoga based recovery.

In Actual properly performing them is calming your mind, exercising your body and getting in touch with spiritual centre.